To help you understand the terminology used by couponers here is a descriptive list of the often used abbreviations, terms and other lingo.
$/$$ = This abbreviation stands for a money off money coupon (e.g. $5/5 which means $5 off your purchase of $25 or more).
$1/2 = This abbreviation represents a coupon (e.g. $1/2 which means $1 off wyb 2 of the products).
2/$1 = This abbreviation represents a sale (e.g. 2/$1 which means 2 products listed for $1 or $0.50 each).
$5/$25 = This abbreviation represents a $/$$ coupon (e.g. $5 off yoru purchase of $25 or more).
BLINKIES = In Store Smart Source Coupons
BOGO/B1G1 = Buy One Get One
CATALINA = Coupon printed at register after purchased
Cellfire = A virtual coupon site that loads paperless coupons onto your shoppers loyalty card.
CNP = Coupon Near Product (similar to BLINKIES)
CRT = Customer Receipt Tape (CVS receipt coupons)
DND = Do not Double (Some coupons have this lang)
DOUBLE COUPON = Coupon that grocery store doubles in value
EB/ECB = ExtraCare Bucks (CVS)
ES = Easy Saver (Walgreens)
FAR = Free After Rebate
FIC = Fresh Idea Card (Marsh)
GM = General Mills (Newspaper insert)
K = Kellogg’s (Newspaper Insert)
KPC = Kroger Plus Card
MIR = Mail in Rebate
MM = Meijer Mealbox
OOP = Out of Pocket
OYNO or OYNP = OYNO stands for On Your Next Order, while OYNP stands for On Your Next Purchase. It is often used for CRT or Catalina coupons, because they are often only good OYNO or ONYP and can not be used in the same transaction in which you received them (See Rolling).
P&G = Proctor & Gamble (Newspaper Insert)
Peelie = Coupon you peel off package
Printable = A printable is a coupon that you can print straight from your computer to your home printer. Watch out though. Fraudulent coupons appear on the internet way too often. If your coupon is missing a remit to address, expiration date, or scannable bar code, it’s most likely a fraud. Some stores require you to printyour coupons in color or in high quality, but most will accept a regular black & white printable coupon.
RP= Red Plum (Newspaper Insert)
RR = Rebate Rewards (Walgreens)
Shopper Loyalty Card = A card required by the store to receive discounts, rewards, and other member exclusives (e.g. CVS Extra Care Card, Marsh Fresh I.D.E.A. Card, Kroger Plus Card, Sams Club Card, etc…). Often registering your card online with the store and e-coupon sites gets your more discounts and exclusives via e-mail and/or mail (See e-Coupons, Cellfire, Shortcuts, and Upromise).
SS= Smart Source (Newspaper Insert)
STACKING, STACKED, or STACK W/ = Using stores allow multiple use of coupons – manufacturer’s & store coupons or rebates.
TEAR PAD = A pad of coupons or MIR near a product or on display
WYB= When You Buy
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary (Depends on certain store policies/factors whether the deal will work.)