Sunday, September 26, 2010

It Adds Up!

Do you have a debt to pay off or need to save for a large purchase like a car?  Sometimes it seems like you can never reach that goal but if you think about saving in smaller amounts it can add up.

You can do things around your home like using compact flourescent lamps, turning the air conditioner up a degree, switch from cable to an antenna, purchase generic brands, use coupons, etc.

I started using coupons regularly last year and have been averaging about $19 per week on grocery savings and I only buy necessities (no more junk food or soft drinks).  I've kept $988 in my pocket this past year by clipping coupons plus I've now cut my grocery budget to $150 per month.  That's an extra $1950 in savings!

There's lots of other ways to save too.  Besides groceries, I also look for restaurant coupons, free admission deals, free games of bowling, discount tickets, etc.  I've earned Visa and store gift certificates for taking surveys, received full size samples of hair care and skin care products from product reveiw websites and won a cool party (with toys included) for my son from Hasbro.  You can cut back on your spending and still have a life!

$1 per day = $365 a year
$5 per day = $1825 a year
$10 per day = $ 3650 a year

There are so many ways to pinch your pennies and it all adds up!

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